
this message may be offensive
Heya it’s me Ocean, 
          	I go by Lapis now. I used to write Steven Universe x Lapis Lazuli fanfics but I deleted them because they were cringe. Anyways. Im no longer active here, I’m busy with college and shit. Honestly to those who still read this I am more active on Twitter and Discord. 
          	I only check here for a few fanfics that caught my interest. Im no longer interested in Steven Universe. I lost interest a long time ago. 
          	Anyways if you ever want to hit up a conversation and saw hello you can always message me on Twitter, my username is Lapis_Bapis, and for friends, my private one is Lapis_Bapis18


this message may be offensive
Heya it’s me Ocean, 
          I go by Lapis now. I used to write Steven Universe x Lapis Lazuli fanfics but I deleted them because they were cringe. Anyways. Im no longer active here, I’m busy with college and shit. Honestly to those who still read this I am more active on Twitter and Discord. 
          I only check here for a few fanfics that caught my interest. Im no longer interested in Steven Universe. I lost interest a long time ago. 
          Anyways if you ever want to hit up a conversation and saw hello you can always message me on Twitter, my username is Lapis_Bapis, and for friends, my private one is Lapis_Bapis18


Today was my 19th birthday


@Lapis_Bapis happy birthday! Have a wonderful day


Happy Birthday!

