Hey Everyone.
First, I’d like to say thank you to anyone who read, liked and commented on any of my books. The support is absolutely lovely and I’d like to say that they are not abandoned or anything. However, it still might take a while for an update to come out, because of issues with my schooling and just general life. I’m in Year 11 now and I’m basically just stressing about everything. But again, the books are not discontinued.
The above topic is not the only reason why I am posting this message, it is also to ask a question about the new update that has come out on Wattpad.
Has anyone else had issues with the updated version of Wattpad?
Say, your Reading List completely disappearing from your view screen while it still tells you that you have 48 reading lists. And now that I see that, I realise that that number is huge.
Anyway, thank you for the support and please get back to me if anyone else is having similar problems. Or for that matter, any advice on how to deal with stress and decide between two very different career options.