
Hello everyone so as of now for a while I’ll be rewriting a free stories and after that I’ll be working on finishing the ones I’ve started sorry I haven’t had much time in close to graduating and turning everything in so I apologize 


Hello everyone so as of now for a while I’ll be rewriting a free stories and after that I’ll be working on finishing the ones I’ve started sorry I haven’t had much time in close to graduating and turning everything in so I apologize 


Hello everyone I apologize if I’m not writing any of my stories I’ll probably be writing on the weekends.
          I’m now a senior in high school so I’m going to be focusing more on my work and to top that off I work everyday after school so I’m always tired I apologize and appreciate everyone who reads my stories 


Hey so I know it looks like I haven’t done anything on my stories but I’m writing one I just haven’t published it yet but it should come out later tonight or by this weekend depends on if I have writer’s block or not anyways have a nice day


@LariHernandez8 writers block sucks man