
kinda thinking about starting to either update one of my stories again or start a  new one. idk we'll see what it will be but it's m almost certainly gonna start writing again. any preferences?? 


Heyy lovely people. I'm probably gonna stop writing all my Jortini stories. I just don't ship them anymore. And I think It's weird to write stories about a ship you don't even ship. So, sorry, but I'm not gonna continue those stories. But, don't worry, I'm not gonna delete them. And I will keep writing the Larry stories. Cuz I still ship them . A lot. And maybe I will start a new fic about Tini someday. Just not Jortini. I hope you understand. 
          Lot's f love, E


Zou je mijn boek willlen lezen? A.U.B


@ Music_FanForever  Sure. Maar ik ga het niet nu gelijk doen. Ben nog met een ander boek bezig. En twee boeke door elkaar lezen vind ik een beetje irritant 