
@AboutThatLarry what do you mean??


@LarryStylinson8 i luv bb so much,its hard find more fans here 


Hey guys! So tomorrow will be the last update for a week at least because I'm going camping unfortunately I won't be able to update sorry  soooo catch up to date for those who have been behind and read my other old stuff new stuff coming out soon promise I'm working on it I swear! Alright well just wanted to tell you the news so sorry again and I love you all keep doing watch you're doing ♥


OMG! I'm back!! Yea I have been away for quite some time I know sorry about that. Kik and school and my boyfriend its just been hectic anyways I'll be updating now just updated In The Closet so go check it out! Okay thanks everybody love you all XoXo ✨♥


Happy Valentines everybody! hope you're with the one you love and having a great time, just watching ghost adventures with my baby. comment what you're doing. also i have like all these new ideas so new stories coming soon! probably on president's day or something so something to look  foward to if you're aren't doing anything so follow me! message me like my stuff want to give me some ideas i'd be more than happy just comment below okay bye my lovelies! - Eva with love <3


hey guys is Eva! i just finished anther chapter for out of the closet so far it's coming along nicely. theb you guys for all your support! now I've been updating and thinking i think I'm gonna erase my new hometown but aren't sure yet is been awhile since i updated asking with heart of dixies I'm trying to concentrate on fame and out of the closet and royalty and want to start a new story to. okay so comment what you guys think and don't forget to add me and vote thanks guys!


Okay guys so for those of you reading out of the closet I know it's not really following my synopsis but it will. The lads (Larry) just postpone their 'anniversary' till after getting out of the hospital so no worries then it'll follow my synopsis and things begin to unfold like crazy stay tuned Vote&Comment let me know what u think so far!