
Depression is like a war, you survive, or you die trying ... and I feel like I'm losing ..


@HarryTheGoddess Its no problem really, I know what its like to be in a dark place. And if I can help someone get better, I'll do all I can.


@1D_FOURever Thank you .. really .


@HarryTheGoddess I do to, but there will always be challenges for people like us. And yeah, you'll regret things and I'll regret things, everybody does. You and I both can be happy if we look at the bright side of things. Please keep fighting, no one will take your place. No matter how much you think your passing wont affect anyone, it'll affect more people than you think.


Thank you for following back, love!!!
          I REALLY like your bio, your profile picture and your background picture!!! 
          There is one thing that I can't understand tho... 
          Why can't you see how beautiful you are? Honestly you are beyond gorgeous!!!! 
          I don't even know you but I can tell that you are one of the best people in the whole wide world!!!
          Larry shippers are my family, so you are my sister/brother and who mess with you mess with me!!!! If the reason you feel that way about yourself is because an idiot told you something just let me know and I will make his/her life a living hell :D... I am not kidding.
           I love you to the moon and back!!! Please stay strong!!!


@LarryTheGoddness don't say that again, you are beautiful inside and out. Thank you! I love you! 


@Chrysa1 thank you, honestly, I'm not pretty but thank you . I'm still learning to love myself so .. I'm here for you too if you need anything .


Depression is like a war, you survive, or you die trying ... and I feel like I'm losing ..


@HarryTheGoddess Its no problem really, I know what its like to be in a dark place. And if I can help someone get better, I'll do all I can.


@1D_FOURever Thank you .. really .


@HarryTheGoddess I do to, but there will always be challenges for people like us. And yeah, you'll regret things and I'll regret things, everybody does. You and I both can be happy if we look at the bright side of things. Please keep fighting, no one will take your place. No matter how much you think your passing wont affect anyone, it'll affect more people than you think.