
Hello/Hi! So @Zaynessaxx nominated me for this shit. So I'm going to give you 20 facts about me. So yeah.
          1. forever directioner 
          2. crazy as hell
          3. never been to a concert ( how poor eh? )
          4. I love Percy Jackson & Iron Man
          5. I love to make other people happy especially when they're sad.
          6. I'm good at giving advice/s especially when it involves love ❤
          7. I love F R I E S 
          8. I love Nicki Minaj ( oh gosh she's so perfff )
          9. one of the biggest Larry shipper
          10. I love Adam Levine
          11. I also love Danny O'Donoghue
          12. youngest child
          13. my second name is Diane
          14. I dont want people calling me Diane
          15. I'm kill joy sometimes
          16. loves shout
          17. I love to play drums ( but i dont have one. so im just tapping in the table so it sounded like drums. lol )
          18. I dont have a fucking drum set ( ughhh me is so poor )
          19. frustrated singer 
          20. I love Miley Cyrus no matter what ❤✌
          So yeah. I nominate you, who is reading this. but if doesn't work/, I nominate @IoletteBeatrizBabas xx