Hey Nina! It's a little old Nana here. Long time no see aye? How are you? I haven't been able to talk here for the longest time so i decided to stop by! So, a lot happened. Firstly, i got myself a fiancé, and I also have a little son now! I am not sure if you are on discord anymore, but i would be happy to get in contact with you again.
@Falls_CoD Nevermind. I just saw that Wattpad probably removed the feature to privately DM a user on here... So...here´s my Discord: elizacrown
@Falls_CoD Hey, NAna!! Its been a long time, indeed! Man, your life truly has been exciting :D A fiance and a child. Congratulations <3 Im still writing! Unfortunately, no longer on my fanfic, though. Im mostly writing RP with other people on Twitter. Im sending you my discord over DMs :D