
Y'all is this my crazy fanfic author's note origin story??? My house was stuck between two encroaching tornados like ten minutes ago.
          	 We're fine now!


@itsghostking yeah, the issue is, I already have a roughly 800 word outline that is hilariously bare-bones and somehwat useless. Part of the excitement in this project is just coming up with scenarios in the moment that make my little shipper heart sing. (hopefully, they all coincide with the wider plot in my no-good-very-bad outline, but we'll see...)
          	   Also, I am a friends-to-lovers diehard, but is this project making me appreciate enemies-to-lovers??? Kinda


@LatestPanem_Style dream about it and get more ideas!


Y'all is this my crazy fanfic author's note origin story??? My house was stuck between two encroaching tornados like ten minutes ago.
           We're fine now!


@itsghostking yeah, the issue is, I already have a roughly 800 word outline that is hilariously bare-bones and somehwat useless. Part of the excitement in this project is just coming up with scenarios in the moment that make my little shipper heart sing. (hopefully, they all coincide with the wider plot in my no-good-very-bad outline, but we'll see...)
             Also, I am a friends-to-lovers diehard, but is this project making me appreciate enemies-to-lovers??? Kinda


@LatestPanem_Style dream about it and get more ideas!


this message may be offensive
Time for my forth consecutive all-nighter in the name of binge-writing fanfiction (for a fandom I haven't messed around with for at least five years, if not more???) Seriously, I've been going to bed at 7am and waking up at 2pm because I prefer the peace and quiet in the middle of the night, then sleeping through half the day.
          Pray for me y'all. My sleep schedule is fucked.


@TonijnPonijn lips are sealed, but Samantha and I are about 20k into the draft in less than a week and it is the only thing we can think and/or talk about. Let's just say, if this thng ever comes out, it's going to have a much faster timeline of, say, TOA. Maybe within the month tbh.


@LatestPanem_Style oh my god, it's frozen, isn't it?? ah, actually idk if hans counts as a primary love interest, soo maybe wicked? but then again the musical is based on a book not the movie... ugh i'm so invested in guessing it now


@TonijnPonijn OKay, I know I said I would't confirm anything, but I'm going debunk on of your theories and maybe give you a hint.
             Funny you should mention J.D. Ya know Ryan McCartan, the off-broadway one? Yeah, he also played the character of the primary love interest in this fic. (Granted, so did John Riddle, who had a stint as Raoul my beloved, and since I'm biased, I more imagine him while writing, but Ryan McCartan was also technically in the role.)
             So, while it isn't Heathers fic, in a weird way, J.D. does make an appearance, I guess???


Hey, haven't talked in a while, you good?


@itsghostking yeah, I'm okay. Dealing with some waning motivation on a long-term project. Kind of want to either dive into Part Two on FCTE or begin a different THG fic I've been tossing around. All these projects (even the one I'm sruggling with) will be done eventually; it's just a matter of what I do first.
            How're you doing? saw your message about parents disabling YouTube. That really sucks. Do you know when you'll get it back?


So... anyone got some THG fic recs? I'm starved for content rn.
          Context: I'm an everlark girlie who mostly specializes with main timeline, but I'm not opposed to tbosas. Also, I will read on Ao3 too, but probably not because I don't like the interface.
          Somebody, I am literally begging you to give me recs. My reading list is starved.


@Jelly_Beans_24 Consider that book added to the reading list!! And don't worry about the notifs thing. Wattpad's always a painnn about it, but i promise you, i rarely post anything interesting.


@LatestPanem_Style If definitely recommend Dangerous women! It's soooo good!


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ya know when you're just trying to write, but the tunes are going a little too hard? Then your years of musical theater emerge?
          And now you're belting the best your poor little soprano existence can, but that whole technique is really fucking impossible for you to dip into, so you just kind of sound like you're dying.
          Oh, and it's almost 11pm, and your family all go to bed pretty early?
          Just me? Okay.


@TonijnPonijn we've all got that one thing keeping as from triple threat status. Like, I cannot dance for the life of me. Absolutely no sense of rhythm. Also, ask me to do any of the snappy, jazzy quintessential Broadway belting? That's hilarious. Samantha, though, is a damn good belter.
            But, to make my predicament even funnier, might I suggest two song recs? Currently, I'm teaching myself "Hark, the Echoing Air" by Henry Purcell, because that is comfortably in my range, but the quick phrasing in some verses is a fun challenge for me.
            Yesterday, I was trying to sing to "Second-Hand Suit" from the Great Gatsby musical... Both wonderful songs, but only one isn't going to make my family call the police because someone's screeching bloody murder.


@LatestPanem_Style I sing (more like screech) 'phantom of the opera' every time I do karaoke. For contect: I can't sing at all and I'm super tone deaf. I will keep singing it every time tho. Can't wait for the day someone will sing the phantom's part and be as invested in the acting as me (I might not be able to sing, but I can act) so no, not just you.


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...casually reading an unreleased scene out of "From Coal to Ember" (I've written this book weird. I have about 60k of "one shos" sitting around that'll inevitably get eaten by the larger project). Anyway, quality reading experience because there's something so fucking satisfying about Gale being dead, and I really need that vindication right now.
           (Okay, I really need to cool it on the Gale slander soon)


@TonijnPonijn Honestly, bold to take my advice. I'm also the No. 1 slanderer against Erik (sorry but I'm a Raoul girlie for life. Yes, I see the irony after AGD/AWD. Wrote those because Erik is an interesting character, doesn't make him likeable, lol) Although, my THG hot takes are WAY less controversial than my POTO ones.
            But you should totally read them!! I'll be honest, I think the last book is a slog, but the first two are really beautifully done. They're easier reads too, at least easier than Leroux, because the books were written much more recently.


@LatestPanem_Style as someone whose never read THG before, I'm gonna start hating him just cuz I trust your judgement. Like when someone asks me my opinion on Gale, i'll be like 'I hate him cuz this girlie on wattpad hates him'


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I NEED to share this with someone, or I'll lose my shit.
           So, at my writing workshop, we're discussing story arcs, and what better example is THG? (I mean, it is a masterclass in pacing, especially the first one). Anyway, what is it about people over the age of 30 simping for GALE??? EWWWW! (btw, not just the instructor; everybody in the room was being a Gale simp)
           It's even funnier, though, because nobody could remember Gale's name for a solid five minues, so the instructor just wrote "hunk" on the whiteboard. I, however, kept my mouth shut, because ain't no way I'm outing myself as the girlie with the THG fanfic account.
          Anyway, somebody finally googled it. The instructor then KEPT HUNK ON THE WHITEBOARD... She just added Gale's actual name and DREW A FUCKING HEART AROUND IT!!!!
          Plus, I am personally offended by the Peeta slander I had to suffer through :(
          Otherwise, great workshop. Had a fun time!




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