
          	Sorry for being out of Wattpad for so long.
          	I've been busy in skyblock (Hypixel). I'm still a total noob though.
          	If you want to join me, leave your username below and a time where you will be online so I can friend you (Give me your timezone or else I might accidentally do it in a different time zone and it won't work.)
          	My username is LatukaReal because Latuka was already taken :(
          	Well probably no one going to respond but this is here if anyone ever wants to join me. (Btw, I'm happy to help you with any problems in skyblock)
          	And yes I'll start rewriting "When Time stumbles across the Sea" soon. I'll also start writing my other book when it gets to 10 votes. Obviously, I haven't got an actual plan but it would be nice for any of you to leave what you expect.
          	I think I'll announce this :D


Also my /visit is to friends, my guild or parties only so don't bother visiting me? Because it probably won't let you in?


          Sorry for being out of Wattpad for so long.
          I've been busy in skyblock (Hypixel). I'm still a total noob though.
          If you want to join me, leave your username below and a time where you will be online so I can friend you (Give me your timezone or else I might accidentally do it in a different time zone and it won't work.)
          My username is LatukaReal because Latuka was already taken :(
          Well probably no one going to respond but this is here if anyone ever wants to join me. (Btw, I'm happy to help you with any problems in skyblock)
          And yes I'll start rewriting "When Time stumbles across the Sea" soon. I'll also start writing my other book when it gets to 10 votes. Obviously, I haven't got an actual plan but it would be nice for any of you to leave what you expect.
          I think I'll announce this :D


Also my /visit is to friends, my guild or parties only so don't bother visiting me? Because it probably won't let you in?


          I've had Roblox for a while now lol.
          My username is Latuka.
          If you want to friend me or play with me, that would be nice. (I literally play with pretty much all genres)
          I have a hella lot of friend requests tho, so if you do want to friend me, leave your username below.
          What do I do now.
          Can I announce this? Yes I can :)


I see Kronercy fic. I follow 


            Wish you luck in doing that!


@LatukaReal Yeah I’m the official account for Hyperion now XD


Thank you for voting on 'Another Evil Grandfather?!'!


Alright, but thanks for reading it! I hope you enjoyed it.


@Mkamath I will! Soon...


Alright, Thank you! If you liked that then there are other works on my profile [some one-shots and other unrelated books] that you should check out!