
this message may be offensive
School has been so fucking rough lately. Why do they pack everything in before Christmas?!


I am totes a cowgirl to! U should see my cute cowgirls boots i have! Also u should check out this song im kinda addicted to it its  called angel with a shotgun by the cab its like one of my fav songs with katy perry's peacock which is a totes dirty and i kinda read dirty books anyway lol:)


HERE'S TO ALL OF THE GIRLS who don't wake up with perfect hair. Who don't mind eating a Big Mac instead of a salad. Who don't wear 50 pounds of makeup. Who'd rather spend the day in sweatpants rather than skinny jeans. Who love the comfort of t-shirts. Who don't get all the guys. Whoa rent 'popular', but feel like it when they're with their friends.who stick to sneakers instead of heels. Who aren't afraid to break a nail. Who don't always get their own way. Who don't get everything they want. Who don't need a guy to tell that they're beautiful. Here's to all of the girls so are JUST LIKE ME.