
Coming back on here after almost 3 years of doing nothing.... gone from 35K reads to 111K... just wow... thanks everyone :3 Going to actually finish that story now ;) xx


I'm going to update some when in the next few days as my laptop and Microsoft word are all working again :) Thank you to everyone for being so patient.
          I have a question for you: Would you be opposed to reading Little broken birds if I was to include Larry Stylinson in it?
          For any purely just Ed Sheeran fans or people who don't know, Larry is the romance between Harry and Louis in One Direction. 
          To be honest I'm probably going to include it, but I just wanted to know if it would ruin the story for any of you?
          Thank you, please reply!
          laura xx


I'm really sorry that I haven't updated in over a month again :( My laptop is completely messed up, it wont link to any WIFI and Microsoft word has disappeared so atm i'm kinda stuck. And trust me, it's not just you guys who are possibly annoyed, I need to write or I get really stressed out!
          I hope no one has lost interest in the story, as once I get everything sorted i'm hoping to finish it asap so I can post the next 2 stories in the trilogy. 
          Thanks for being patient anyway I guess, hope to get it sorted soon
          laura :) xx


So even though I've been keeping you waiting for almost 3 months now for an update, there are actually over 50 of you following me! So thank you!
          (It's about time isn't it?)
          Thank you :)
          laura xx


Thought I'd let you know that chapter 38 is almost finished, so it should be up in the next week. Thank you all for being so patient! It's 5am so sorry for the short message but I have school in 2hours so I think I should sleep.
          Laura xx


Hey guys,
          So i'm aware that I haven't updated little broken birds in almost 2 months, and I am really really really sorry. I've just had a lot going on, and i'm in the middle of moving house so I can't promise to update once a week like I did originally, plus I have a lot of stuff going on at the moment so sometimes I just can't concentrate long enough to write. 
          But I promise that I will update Little broken birds within a week or so. Maybe sooner if I can finish the chapter I've been writing, then deleting, then re-writing for about a month now :/  I just can't seem to get it right, but i'm going to work on it tomorrow :)
          Thank you for being so patient, and i'm also kinda surprised that even though I haven't updated my reads are steadily building up.
          I can't believe that it's on 15,000!!! OMG
          Anyways, thank you, and I hope that when I do update none of you have lost interest in the story. 
          Laura xx


I will try to update as soon as possible! It's been almost 2 months and I hate that I've kept people waiting. Just a bit of writers block, i've been writing and deleting and re-writing this next chapter for like a month, so hopefully i'll get it right when I work on it tomorrow :)
            Thank you for reading it!


Wow, thank you. Ed is my biggest inspiration for everything, he's just perfect :')
            And sure! I'll go check out your fic :)


Hey guys, i'm so sorry for not updating little broken birds for almost a whole month! :o ive just had a lot of stuff going on but hopefully now I can get back to writing it :)
          the story will be coming to an end soon, but it wont be the last of ed and izzy as I think it's going to be a trilogy.
          Thank you for reading my stories, voting and following, it means a lot <3
          laura :) xx