
Almost There reached 100 reads the other day!!! Thank you to all the readers who have enjoyed this strange random little story so much (: 


So.... Almost There is finally completed and maybe I'll right a sequel? Don't know yet. But I had a mini epiphany this morning and got an inspiration for a whole new story so I'll probably start working on that for a while. I've also been a bit distracted lately, so sorry about that. My personal life should not invade something I love as much as writing, but I guess literature is so emotional that I can't really see it as a job or something of that sort. It's simply something I do for fun, and if my work doesn't turn out well, I'll write more and strive to get better. Writing makes me happy but when I'm not in a functional mood I don't like releasing what I write out into the world because, well, I'm a bit self conscious about it at times. Anyway, I'm getting carried away. 


Good news, (at least I think it's good) I'm writing a new story ;D! It's a bit short, only about three chapters long, but I already have it all mapped out and the first chapter should be published soon, perhaps the first week of 2015? Seems like a good time to me, new year new story. And I also have a couple new ideas I would like to get started on. Anyways, Merry Christmas! And happy New Year :) 


Wow I've been working on almost nothing for a long time :o I've just been so unmotivated idek agh. Although, I want to start writing more short stories. They're fun and I dunno I just really like them. I'm lookin forward to those. 


If you haven't already noticed, I tend to make a lot of grammatical errors in my stories and I apologize. If you catch them, don't be shy to point them out. I will fix them as soon as possible. I don't have a beta or an editor so I have to edit everything myself, and well I don't catch every single mistake sometimes. Truly sorry for my errors, I'll try to proofread more thoroughly next time.