
Wow I didn't realise I had been missing on here for a whole year until I looked back at my activity. Hope everyone is doing good. :)


Hi, great to see you again. I hope you're doing fine. Thank you so much for reading and voting on my story. ❤❤


@justxnarryx yeah I do my best not to give up. I'm hoping to travel around New Zealand a little bit in the summer to try some new things and learn more about myself. I'm just so scared of how everything will change next year as everything past school feels so uncertain. Ooh sounds good, sounds like the perfect chapter cos I'm definitely over studying.  Goodnight sleep well. 


@ justxnarryx  don't ever give up because there are so many fantastic things, places and people waiting for you. sometimes we need a perspective or a motivation when life becomes stressful and tough. Travelling is always a great motivation or push for me.
            I'm actually writing a new chapter, I'm honestly surprised about myself, yet I have so many ideas at the moment what I could write. In my new chapter Harry gets a bit frustrated because of his studies ... But I won't spoiler you. So it's past midnight in Germany and I'll hit the hay. Have a wonderful Sunday . :)


@justxnarryx That sounds amazing!!! I have a friend who did an exchange to American for a year last year and she also said she loved it. It's exciting to think that there is so many places to see and so many people left to meet, it helps give perspective when I want to give up. :) 


I know that very few people who's stories I read  will see this but I just wanted to apologise for my lack of feedback on your stories over the next few months. I've got very important exams coming up soon and so am going to be super busy. I will still be reading and voting on here but commenting might be a little limited. Sorry


@ LauraLizzyLoop  Thank you so much. I'm doing fine. I'm super thrilled for my two weeks vacation in the USA in 10 days. I hope your family member  in hospital is doing better now. I really can understand that your mind is occupied with other stuff . Best of luck for your exams. Try to relax yourself a bit each day. You will do great with your exams. You will see. ❤❤


@LauraLizzyLoop hey :) I'm really sorry, I definitely didn't want u to think I wasn't commenting cos I wasn't enjoying it. I'm  loving The Second Chance!!! I'm going to try my best to comment each chapter cos I understand how important it is for u to get feedback on your work. I've got mock exams 2 weeks from now so have been super busy studying and I have also had family in hospital so I haven't really been in the best mindset. Hopely things are going to start going a bit better soon. Thank u for updating though, being able to take 10 minutes out each day to read people's updates on here and stop stressing for a little bit has been so important to me :) I hope everything is going good with u, sending u lots of love ❤❤❤


@ LauraLizzyLoop  Hi, I just stumbled over this because I was going to thank you for reading and voting on my story A Second Chance.
            I'm glad to read that since I've been wondering why you haven't commented on the last chapters. I feared that the reason was that my story became worse. I understand that you don't have that much time while you need to focuse on your exams. Education is important.
            I hope you are doing fine with your studies. I'll definitely keep my fingers crossed for you that you'll do great and get the best marks possible. xoxo


hey laura, i miss you and your heartwarming and kind words as well :( but i'm back and i shall give you some sunshine soon! just kidding <3 seriously though, thank you so much for the nice words and compliments. much love to you, dear. xx - adrian -
          p/s : i'll see you very soon in little do you know. :) 


@imaginarynarry haha nah it's all good, I find it pretty funny now. Haha yup I'm with her on being alone, better be safe than sorry ;) Anyway I better be off to sleep as it is currently 2am but I'm so happy your back and I'm looking forward to the update. Goodnight, or good day :)


Oh dear, I'm sorry about that. One of our friends on here said that she has to be alone to read my update in order to cry in peace. I'll surely prepare some tissues for you ahahaha


@imaginarynarry hahaha thanks. The last time I cried during a chapter my mum walked in and got all concerned about me. It was kinda hard to explain ;)


Happy New Year everybody!!! It is officially 2017 in NZ and I just wanted to say how much I love all u guys. I've loved reading all your stories over the past year and they have all touched me in some way so thank u!!! Generally 2016 was a hard year for everyone and I just want u to know how proud I am for all of u who have gone through personal struggles this year. I'm always here if u need someone to talk to!!! Here's to a happy, loving, and successful 2017!
          Lots of Love, Laura ❤❤❤