So guys I accidentally published the next chapter of my Thundercats story lol. I wanted to press save instead of publish so I'm sorry for that. It will be out sometime this week. Thank you for being patient xxxx
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So guys I accidentally published the next chapter of my Thundercats story lol. I wanted to press save instead of publish so I'm sorry for that. It will be out sometime this week. Thank you for being patient xxxx
So guys I accidentally published the next chapter of my Thundercats story lol. I wanted to press save instead of publish so I'm sorry for that. It will be out sometime this week. Thank you for being patient xxxx
I have put up the next chapter to my thundercats story. Sorry for the delay as life had got in the way that i couldn't think of anything to write in the stories. I am currently writing the legacy episode where liono and Gennifer relive through their ancestors. I need some ideas on Gennifer's ancestor back story and her relationships to Leo aka Liono's ancestor. What is Her VA ( voice actor) it can be anyone Any ideas are welcomed xxxx
It would be cool if Brina Palencia was the voice actor, I also want to add what if Leo was in love with genny’s ancestor, you can decide what happens it’s just an idea
Also, I have another idea what if it was maiden of light who created the armor when all stones were used together
Happy New Year
Hey can I ask something about the sight beyond sight episode?
It’s fine take your time, I’m even busy working on a story I just started watching and turning into a fanfic, I even made a character of her like physically, just had a thought, when they’re racing can genny actually beat tygra to the elephants home? I just feel like it would do lion-o a little justice
@Itsahabit17 hiya and yeh of course. The chapter will be out this week. I've just been busy with work and I'm on the last few minutes of the episode when they finally are at the tower of omens
@Itsahabit17 I'm halfway with the next one as I have just been busy with work but I will get it out soon as its Halloween and I'm going to be working it xxx
Hey I just had an idea if you want to hear it
@Itsahabit17 I know lol don't worry i will have the next one out soon. With Pumyra when she comes in should she be a love rival for Liono or for Genny? Just tossing around the idea for later
@Itsahabit17 ooh that's good. I was trying to figure when she should find the air crystal x once she has found all the crystals and she masters the weapons of all maybe she'll unlock the spirit crystal x
Hey I just want to know something, is that alright?
@Itsahabit17 I'm just coming to the end of the chapter I'm writing but I want the witch to appear in the next one when they get to the tower of Omens x
I have watched all the episodes thus far of legend of Vox Machina season 3. I wasn't expecting the things from their streams to translate into animation ( 2 scenes in particular if you have seen the streams) but omg they were just done beautifully and I live how they incorporated different media references and references from their other campaigns. I cannot wait for the next episode to air as its getting more and more interesting. Let me know your thoughts on it xxx
I have posted the next chapter for my story Omens Maiden of Light. Let me know what you think of it and if you had any ideas for future chapters of this story or any of my other stories I have, please let me know xxx
What if when they look into the past when they find the book of omens, they find out that the maiden of light was once a slave to Muumra. And that the meaning of light was also a human and the secret lover of the first Welder of the sword of omens.
I actually have an Idea for the fourth episode, when the group meet the petalars, for emric, what if lion-o and genny were seen in a sense as parental figures, since lion-o’s a kinda role model for the boy
@Itsahabit17 oooh I like that idea. I have gotten to the part where they finally meet the petalars. Keep the ideas coming I like that xxxx
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