
Hello and sorry for never being active on here anymore.... apparently life got back in the way :/
          	Anyway i might be back with a different fanfics..... possibly about Drag Queens.... who know!


So the reason i haven't been here much is because i've been so busy with riding horses and being given AMAZING opportunity that i've just ran out of time and motivation to write.
          Not only that but my laptop also totally crashed and i've lost EVERYTHING including all my stories that i had ready to post.
          Hopeful over the summer i might be able to get something up but dont hold your breath!


Sorry i haven't updated anything in a while, i have been so busy it has been ridiculous especially the last few days which haven't been so good. I was truly planning on updating 'Ain't It Fun' this week but that doesn't look like it will happen till maybe next week or when i have some time to myself!
          Also welcome to all the new followers that have started following me the last few weeks there has been a fair few of you!
          Lastly Twenty One Pilots on saturday was so rad! one of the best shows i have been to, everyone should definitely see them at some stage!!


ok i freaking suck at keeping promises here with stories! to be honest im still working on the one shot and im not even half way though it... although im kinda ran into a bit of writers block so i need to try and think of how to make things work but im goal is to have it up by the end of the week


Tonight i plan on getting at least 1 of 2 one shots up tonight and maybe start writing the next chapter of 'Ain't It Fun'.
          Things for me are going to start getting a bit busy in my life in the next few weeks because i have a new horse to work with and im going to volunteering at some trail riding place which can turn into a job and i mean who wouldn't want an easy job riding around on a horse all day!!
          anyways sit tight i will have something up eventually!