
I guess I am leaving wattpad now for real...
          	Thanks for the memories and so on... You helped me ti get the person i am now, but I stopped writing... Don't guv up your dreams like I did.
          	Also if perhaps no one will ever read this lmaoo hahahah
          	Bye :) 


@drunkchimchim first of all i dont even use wattpad anymore just because.. To be honest i don't even know haha, maybe because i am not interested in writing atm, i will also deinstall it i guess
          	  And i stopped writing due to personal reasons


I guess I am leaving wattpad now for real...
          Thanks for the memories and so on... You helped me ti get the person i am now, but I stopped writing... Don't guv up your dreams like I did.
          Also if perhaps no one will ever read this lmaoo hahahah
          Bye :) 


@drunkchimchim first of all i dont even use wattpad anymore just because.. To be honest i don't even know haha, maybe because i am not interested in writing atm, i will also deinstall it i guess
            And i stopped writing due to personal reasons


Okok wichtige Ankündigung...
          BITTE. BITTE... normalisiert in euren storys keine Vergewaltigung. Sowas ist schrecklich und ich habe das inzwischen des öfteren beobachtet in storys und es ekelt mich jedesmal aufs neue an... Wenn es zur story passt und vorher eine triggerwarnung ist ist ja ok... Aber als einfachen smut dargestellte vergewaltigung ist finde ich nicht tolerierbar...
          Es normalisiert es in gewissen maßen und vorallem die viel zu jungen leser die noch nichtmal auf wattpad sein dürfen und sich bezüglich sex nicht auskennen denken dann, dass so etwas normal ist... 
          Vergewaltigung ist NICHT akzeptabel.
          NIEMAND verliebt sich in seinen Vergewaltiger.
          NIEMAND hat freude daran vergewaltigt zu werden. 
          Sex sollte IMMER von beiden Seiten gewollt sein.
          Danke für eure Aufmerksamkeit... 


@TYONGWAP omg danke, endlich jemand der es einsieht
            Ich frag mich warum ich immer wieder komme, auch wenn ich wattpad des öfteren gequittet habe lmao haha


PERIODT!!!! auf wattpad wird so so viel verharmlost es ist krank


You will never know how much work hides behind a work, if you aren't an author yourself...
          Also if you are an author, you can't know how many thoughts are behind it, what the motivation was and how long they needed to develop the ideas..
          As author but also as reader on Wattpad, you have to be patient.


I am going to spread the word here as well..
          Because I hope there are a few of my followers, which are still active and read it.
          Black lives matter!
          We aren't different because of the color of our skin.
          That's a fact, so don't try to prove me wrong.
          If you are a racist... Or homophobic.. Or something else which is against a group of people because of their skincolor, who they love or who they believe in..
          Just unfollow me..
          I don't care about followers or readers-
          I am not against you exactly. I am against they way you treat people because of the things mentioned on top.
          If you are black, have another sexuality than others or get bullied because of anything. Stay strong! Fighting!
          Don't hesitate to text me if you need someone to talk or something..
          I know it is annoying and the announcement is already so long, but if you want you can take a look st ms book "Dear diary...". It is about problems, yours, mine and of people I know.
          Maybe you feel understood when you see that other people have the same problem and maybe also can find someone with the same problem to talk..
          (I try my best ti upload soon!) 
          It is so long already. I am terribly sorry but I just wanted you to know
          ❤️Stay strong! I am with you guys!❤️


Hey people...
          I published a new work. I know, I deleted every book I ever started to write, BUT not this time. It is going to be in English. It is about problems and called "Dear Diary..."
          Look how I managed it. I'm going to write Diary entries from me and other people, just to talk about it. 
          It would me be a pleasure, if you just take a look into the book^^
          I'm out!
          Have a good day!


Schaut doch mal bei der Story von @LoveYourself_x14 vorbei^^


@ Laurax20405  ohaaaa i hab des garnit gesehn how cute einfach


Will mir Wattpad ernsthaft sagen, dass es nur eine Wooho Fanfiction gibt und die nur 1 Kapitel hat???
          I mean... Es gibt so vieoe Fanfictions und ich habe mir eine Pentagon jinho x wooseok Geschichte gefunden??? HOW??
          Wenn jemand Wooho Storys findet bitte kommentieren/anschreiben/sonstiges..
          Bim grad deswegen ziemlich am verzweifeln


O K 
          Ich sehe gerade 1k reads bei meinen anime oneshots-
          Geschockt. Hoooow? 
          Naja ich bin jetz am strugglen, ob ich ein Special machen soll und wenn ja, was?-
          könnt gern mal paar vorschläge bringen oder so....
          (auch wenn ich ewig nd weiter geschrieben hab an den oneshots, aber jaaaa)