
Hi guys, sorry I've been out, brainstorming ideas for the new book, but in all of my planning I failed to realize that I'm going to be going on a cruise very very soon, where I will not have any wifi or use any data, so I won't be able to post any chapters, so I'm going to have to move the release date, sorry :(


Hi guys, sorry I've been out, brainstorming ideas for the new book, but in all of my planning I failed to realize that I'm going to be going on a cruise very very soon, where I will not have any wifi or use any data, so I won't be able to post any chapters, so I'm going to have to move the release date, sorry :(


Cover and Title have been chosen and made for the second book of the Gloria series, called Blight.  The chosen date is still July 10th, and I'll get on writing as soon as possible :)
          On another note, 2 more covers and titles have been made for additional books in the future, I do not have a chosen date for either but yeah, plans for the future


The chosen date for the sequel of Gloria has been chosen to be July 10th, so you can be expecting it by then.  I have also come up with a new idea for a series, but I believe I will hold off on it either until the sequel of gloria has started or after it


Back on track with Gloria, got one new chapter out and 1 in the bank, going to continue writing and will release a next chapter sometime this coming week, preferably Wednesday or Friday, so if you're keeping up with Gloria then watch out for those days


Im sorry guys, I've been such a shmuk, making all these promises to update but never seeming to follow through.. I've just had a lot going on and never really had much time to come back here, and I began rereading through the stuff I wrote and everything from my friends and I remembered that I truely did miss all of this, and I missed everyone who was with me till I dropped out.  Im so sorry to those who expected me to follow through but never came through, and im sorry to those I left hanging waiting for me to return.  I'm really going to try focusing on picking this up again, slowly but surely, and hopefully by the time summer comes il jump right back into a schedule and finally pump through Gloria.  Thankyou to all those who have stayed with me, and I hope that I won't let you down again : )


Hey guys, I am SO SORRY THAT I HAVE BEEN GONE FOR LIKE AN ETERNITY... I had a really important school project that was stressing me out and just other general problems and also had to get ready for the seasons >_< just a big jumble of things I had to do.. I'm hoping to get back on track with Gloria either before Christmas or after b/c Idk which but stay put as I will be reviving myself.  So sorry for those who were expecting chapters :( I really am


Guys I'm super sorry I haven't updated gloria, I think I've become a little sick and I'm just not feeling good :( I don't think the schedule thing is working so I might abandon that but I will still update often, so sorry :(


            updated last week, on November 18th.
            when did you update?
             November 17th.
            Don't believe me?
            Check for your self.


@crscalora -_- and yet you havnt updated recently


@LaurelLovesCookies okay ya ik but I changed it to once a week
            it's better than once every two months or once a month
            so HA