
Read my book switched


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hmm ur book raped and scared.... i can help u become a better writer for that book i have been writing a few books to publish to a publisher but haven't had the chance and my bestie taught me how to write a good book.. that book was a lil too short to be actually called a book. im not trying to be mean im just critiquing it


hey i really like your books and you do have some errors but you can fix when you want to but keep going and have fun with it. where ever you are i would love to talk to you and hear your ideas and maybe single aswell can go way hmmm :).


I'm sorry, no offense, but you DESPERATELY need an editor for you story. It has potential, but most people won't  even read past the first paragraph if it has that many errors. Please edit and spell check your stories. Or you could get some one from Wattpad to do it. I edit stories too, if you need editing, inbox me.