
Hey everyone, wow it's been a while. I've recently started writing a new thriller novel entitled The Desireables. So if you enjoy stories with elements of love, deception, secrets and twists then please do check it out. It's brand new so there is only one chapter available today. I have scheduled the next seven chapters to go live at 10am UK time every day this week. Please do show it some love and recommend it to your friends if you think they'd be interested. I think this one is going to be a good one. Thanks all  :)


Hey everyone, wow it's been a while. I've recently started writing a new thriller novel entitled The Desireables. So if you enjoy stories with elements of love, deception, secrets and twists then please do check it out. It's brand new so there is only one chapter available today. I have scheduled the next seven chapters to go live at 10am UK time every day this week. Please do show it some love and recommend it to your friends if you think they'd be interested. I think this one is going to be a good one. Thanks all  :)


Hi everyone,
          Thank you to those who have been showing my new story some love, it means a lot. I also hope you've enjoyed what you've read so far and if you have any suggestions you'd like me to include I would welcome them gladly. 