
So sorry I haven't been on, but I've updated for those of you who are reading Isle of Giants! :D I hope to get on here a lot more and find some time to make more premade covers for our thread. Fingers crossed! :)


Hey stranger I swear it has been ages since I've talked to you or the others I miss all our smapping!! I haven't been  active much on here lately so I guess we've all been pretty busy lol Anyways you need to come back and let us know you're alive LOL 
          I figured since I was on I would make my rounds to yours guys' boards today started with Shannon then you and Kara is next LOL maybe it'll work and you will decide hey i need to get on and talk to these guys LOL


HEY DUDE. Just thought I'd check in. Considering the the four of us used to talk constantly on your threads (god, that was a while ago. How fun was that? We were gif crazy....Kara was just crazy in general though) and now you and Kara are never on here. *hint hint*
          Hope all as well and that you manage to drag yo' ass on here sometime!


Hey woman just letting you know that I am back on wattpad woohoo so glad to be back on my feet i hated being so miserable after the surgery that i couldnt get on here LOL I hope all is well just wanted to stop in and let you know that I'm back lol


@Laurss Hey lady yeah i have they are hilarious sorry havent been around much been so busy preparing everything for my surgery this week that Ive not been on here lol Had my daughter bday party yesterday as well so its been crazy busy around here lol hope all is well with you guys and I shall be on here off and on the next few days lol