Guys I’m back did you miss me
Mb for not really being online rn
Also kinda went through something yesterday
My parents are republican and I am so not republican :3
also earlier today, before I got ready for school I was pulling on Shadow Milk Cookie’s banner
I already had like 17 soulstones, but I didn’t expect anything good from the 10 pull I did.
Turns out I got three more soulstones and now I have the blue joker ahh cookie
I’m blue daboodeedaboodaiiiiiiii-
Also two days ago, the 22nd, I had a really bad headache so I took medicine and went to bed early. I then woke up at 1:50 am and noticed my headache was gone. Yippee!!
And then later that morning in class whenever I even moved it my head hurt so bad.
Why does the human body play so many tricks 。゚(゚´Д`゚)゚。