
My new profile picture was made by @NefariousNephilim and I'm honored and so very happy with the picture of Catherine. It's for a very original character. 


@Lavender_Queen_ I'm so happy you like her. It's for a very original and special lady. ;)


Hello hello! I know everyone abandoned Wattpad a long time ago, but I haven't been able to reach you via text or Discord! Let me know you're okay when you can! ❤️


Hi Jades! I had my old phone stolen so I had to start over again with a new phone. I’ve missed you so much. My new Discord is Malikaeverstar27


I'm not going to be on at all until 7 pm for today, tomorrow and Thursday. So 7 pm is the time, I get to get to do the things that I enjoy. *cough Wattpad *cough* So, yay fasting *sarcasm is very much present*.  So to all the roleplays I'm in my replies are going to be late but I will answer eventually, and I know my notifications are going to be over 99+ so wish me luck on that. I look forward to being on at 7 pm. 


@QueenoftheLeafwings After a month of spending every morning and afternoon together, my work days will feel exceptionally empty without you there this week. Come back soon, little lady. I'll be missing you. ;)


What's the best way to write a fight scene that's good and exciting?


@QueenoftheLeafwings make sure you remember that everything is fast and hard to follow because in a real fight it is! And make sure if one character is injured that this injury does not miraculously disappear!
            And don't forget that sometimes rolled ankles are more cripplings than broken noses!
            Most of all: Adrenaline rushes.are.not.good.
            They make you edgy and very quick to move before you think it through! That's how most fatal mistakes are made in fights!


@QueenoftheLeafwings well u wanna include key movements, such as swirling aro7nd, or latched onto with their teeth, and such, with occasional dialogue or snarling, and some feeling too. Be sure to write out the pain and stuff, but dont go to into detail and move through it quickly, as it is a battle scene


@QueenoftheLeafwings okie dokie! Hope my advice helps! :3


Yes! A fellow wings of fire fan! 


@QueenoftheLeafwings Violence Include Lots Of Violence.... ^•=•^


@QueenoftheLeafwings Especially since there aren’t too many on this site. 


@Detective_Raccoon It's always great to see another Fanwing! 


Hi This is for you, MY BEST FRIEND.Read this message until the end, it's adorable.
          I sent an angel to watch over you last night, but it came back. When I
          asked "Why?" the angel said "Angels don't watch over angels." Twenty
          angels are in your world. Ten of them are sleeping, nine of them are
          playing, and one is reading this message. God has seen you struggling
          with some things, and God says "It's over." A blessing is coming your way. If you believe in God, send this to fourteen friends, including me . If I don't get it back, I guess I'm not one of them . As soon as you get five replies, someone you love  will quietly surprise you... Not joking. Pass this message on.  Please don't ignore it. You are being tested  and God is going to fix two big things tonight in your favor. If you believe in God, drop everything and pass it on. TOMORROW Will Be The Best Day Of Your Life.  DON'T BREAK THIS CHAIN. SEND THIS TO FOURTEEN FRIENDS IN TEN MINUTES. IT'S NOT THAT HARD. NO GROUP CHATS.)


Should I do a face reveal? 


@QueenoftheLeafwings You absolutely should. I'd love to put a face with the words. ;)


            Yeah! *insert kawaii face*


Q and A sounds better to me, thanks!