
Hey guys!
          	So I know ya'll thought I was back, and I was, but my friend got hospitalized, and things were a mess. I'm also close to graduation. I will continue my Coco book, I'm just having a tough time. I love you all! 
          	Lavender ❤️ 


I understand I struggle to write stories and keep up with my grads even though I am not graduating I have to keep up to get where I want to be later in life if we get their I understand family situation can be very hard so try to balance it. Sometimes you just need a break or get you mind off the negatives so you can focus on what is positive. Spent lots of time with the people you love and remember to take care of your self do not feel pressured to update soon take you time a story takes time to be polished and we don’t want to rush the process so take all the time you need


@Lavender_honey15  ill pray for u and your friend that everything is ok so take your time no need to rush


@Lavender_honey15 glad to see you are back hope your friend gets better and take your time


Hey guys!
          So I know ya'll thought I was back, and I was, but my friend got hospitalized, and things were a mess. I'm also close to graduation. I will continue my Coco book, I'm just having a tough time. I love you all! 
          Lavender ❤️ 


I understand I struggle to write stories and keep up with my grads even though I am not graduating I have to keep up to get where I want to be later in life if we get their I understand family situation can be very hard so try to balance it. Sometimes you just need a break or get you mind off the negatives so you can focus on what is positive. Spent lots of time with the people you love and remember to take care of your self do not feel pressured to update soon take you time a story takes time to be polished and we don’t want to rush the process so take all the time you need


@Lavender_honey15  ill pray for u and your friend that everything is ok so take your time no need to rush


@Lavender_honey15 glad to see you are back hope your friend gets better and take your time


How did Instagram log me out??


@itsmesiren give author sometime I think I’m one of the chapters they said it will be on hold I think I can’t remember but they lost a friend so idk if they will hope this helps and if I come off as rude in the message I’m sorry just wanted to let you know have a good day or night 


Are you going to continue the coco story? 