Again, sorry to make another post, but I am the owner of this Wattpad and again give this account 1000% permission to republish my works, specifically The Walking Dead Fanfiction, I’ve been locked out of the account @LawrenDixon for about four or five years now. And I wanted to finish working on my popular fanfiction. If there’s any publication issues on my side, (because the fanfic is copyrighted) I will handle it. I hope you understand, and anyone who has been interested in me continuing the fanfiction, I will now be doing that. Thank you for being patient. Hopefully one day I will be able to get this wattpad back again. Please note that I am not a random user, I am Lawren (last name redacted). And if anyone who is not of the two accounts given permission to republish my works has, please inform me by messaging the account this post is made with. Thank you.