Sooooooo… I just private messaged someone for the first time. And that someone just happened to be one of my favorite authors. My people skills suck and I have no idea how I came off. I'm kinda freaking out right now. Like the stage between and anxiety attack and not where you don't know if your body and mind wants to freak out all the way or not. I don't know if I regret my decision or not. A third of me is like "YOU DID IT!!!" and the other third is like "I can't believe you had the audacity to socialize. What's wrong with you. People scary," and the last third is too busy worrying about if I came off as bumptious, patronizing, weirdly fangirl-ish, weird, desperate or not and how I came off in general. And a tiny part of me is screaming. I'm too tense and excited to sleep, but I'm going to bed now. I have a test tomorrow and can hopefully try to get some rest. I just- aaahhhhhh!!!