Allllrightyyyy, so here we go:
First, for those of you who are still with me (thank you so much, btw), Heartless is now fully COMPLETE!!! Almost four years in the making, I know, I'm sorry. It's not that it wasn't done-- I actually finished this book years ago and got started on others and didn't keep up with updating it.
With that said, this is the first draft. SO this is not done. I will eventually rewrite it and maybe try and push it forward, but we will see.
Second: I may or may not create a new account to publish new works. I'm currently working on two new projects, and I want to see which one people are more interested in reading, so if you would like to know more please message me or email me, I will text my private email if you would like.
Finally, thank you to everyone still visiting my page, I know there hasn't been a lot lately. Thank you everyone!