
Hey dear! How are you doing? I just wanted to check in since I haven’t seen you around in a while. I genuinely hope you’re doing okay and everything is going well on your end. No pressure at all, but I do miss seeing you around. Your presence always added something special to the journey of Ishq.
          Take care, and sending lots of good vibes your way.


Want to make the most of Ramadan? Check out All About RAMADAN by Slave_of_Ar-Rahman on Wattpad! It’s packed with beneficial reminders, helpful hacks, and insights to strengthen your ibadah during this blessed month. Don’t miss out!


With every struggle Allah shapes your personality for the better. With every hardship Allah carves you into a better human being. With every challenge Allah makes you a stronger person. With every stream of tears that flow Allah makes you a softer person. Every difficulty that you go through has a well defined purpose. Trust Allah and Trust his process. He is with You all along the way. 


@Slave_of_Ar-Rahman Subhanallah! Coincidence?...May Allah bless you.


Assalamu Alaikum, how have you been? I pray for your good health and well-being. I wanted to let you know that I finally updated the chapter I had been working on for almost three weeks, Alhamdulillah. It wouldn’t have been possible without your encouragement and assurance. Jazakallahu Khairan for all your support. I dedicated that chapter to you and another reader for believing in me when I couldn’t believe in myself. May Allah bless you, Aameen. ❤️❤️❤️


@Inking_Fantasies Walaikkum assalam! I’m doing good. I am happy for you!!! I will read it soon In Sha Allah. 
            May Allah reward you too!