Helloooooooooooooo! Wow, that's a lot of "o"s. Okay, well, I guess I'll take something from Augustus and call it a shout in the void. :) Anyway, I wanted to tell you (although this is horrible of me for being so late to tell you this! *groans in disappointment*) that I am so happy and excited and pumped—JUST COMPLETELY OVER THE MOON DELIGHTED, IN FACT—that you decided to follow me. :D I was smiling so much when I got the notification. I don't know what made you want to do it, but I'm so thankful for it. I hope you're having a fantastic day because this was like those cute little flower-shaped rainbow sprinkles on top of mine. x
Hey hey :) Well my reply is pretty delayed too haha. I follow Just a Dare on Fictionpress and always wondered if you had a wattpad, and when you mentioned it in your last upload on FP, I grinned with joy and followed you here, because I find your story so utterly brilliant; I felt I should follow it everywhere haha!!