Andria: The after part won't matter
The divorce will be sealed
Ozzie: If not?
Andria: But it will
Bee: Yes, whatever
Lucifer: But still.
All three: You'll agree to be crowned?
Andria: Yes!
All together: It's time to step
Bee: Step in a new direction (Andria: Step, step, step)
Andria: Back towards a reconnection
All together: Step after step
And then all our woes will be gone
Step by step
Andria: After the celebration
Bee, Lucifer, Ozzie: After the coronation
As they are singing and dancing, the twins dance along copying their movements.
Andria: Then we can all move on
Lucifer, Bee, Ozzie: Then we can all move on
Together: Then we'll at last move on