
          	I have basically two to three big announcements to make. Firstly, it's about my long ass hiatus. I am finally on intersession break from college and will get some time off from school and work to update my stories. I seen your comments and I know I don't post frequently but honestly, I can't dedicate all my time to writing if I am not getting paid for it. Which leads me to my second announcement. I made a patreon for my writing and other projects so that I could get paid and won't have to do multiple jobs to pay my bills. Like I am probably the definition of a starving artist at this point. You don't have to be a patron but if you do become one, you get perks like getting to chat with me on discord and chapter previews.  Check it out at or click on the link on my about. My third-ish announcement is that I am trying to work on a new project too called The Forgotten One and my patrons get to see a chapter preview for that as well as the chapter preview for Maybe Gay chapter eight before I make them public about two weeks from now. Sorry to do it to ya, especially since you guys waited a real long time but I really need to buy ramen. Thanks for reading this notice and feel free to ask any questions.


Hello! I know you get many comments on your story Maybe Gay, but I hope youll be able to finish it soon! Its very good and very enjoyable to read in my opinion jacob and casper sre the cutest i swear they are  but i hopd your doing okay! Have a good day :D


@elloafer sorry but I am most likely not finishing it soon. As much as I love writing, I don't make any income from wattpad and I desperately need to make money as I have tuition to pay. I really appreciate your love for Maybe Gay and hope you continue to love it.


          I have basically two to three big announcements to make. Firstly, it's about my long ass hiatus. I am finally on intersession break from college and will get some time off from school and work to update my stories. I seen your comments and I know I don't post frequently but honestly, I can't dedicate all my time to writing if I am not getting paid for it. Which leads me to my second announcement. I made a patreon for my writing and other projects so that I could get paid and won't have to do multiple jobs to pay my bills. Like I am probably the definition of a starving artist at this point. You don't have to be a patron but if you do become one, you get perks like getting to chat with me on discord and chapter previews.  Check it out at or click on the link on my about. My third-ish announcement is that I am trying to work on a new project too called The Forgotten One and my patrons get to see a chapter preview for that as well as the chapter preview for Maybe Gay chapter eight before I make them public about two weeks from now. Sorry to do it to ya, especially since you guys waited a real long time but I really need to buy ramen. Thanks for reading this notice and feel free to ask any questions.


I just got notified today by my friend that Maybe Gay is rank #88 in couples. Honestly, I never thought I was that good at writing or would have any of my storied become popular. I like to think this is my biggest accomplishment and want to say thanks for the support


@nomyentoheart Thank you for being so supportive <3




Hiatus Notice
          I know I have been on hiatus on and off for a really long time but life and school are whores that want to stop me from writing. Not much I can do about it. However, I am still slowly writing chapters and updates for my stories and hopefully get to publish them all at once in late December or early January so don't raid me just yet. Might come back with a poll for which story will be updated first but besides that, that's all i have to say