
Hello! If you want to read some novels you can go search in my Reading List and you can also go to my following list (≡^∇^≡). I also Apologize for not updating in a while its because I'm having troubles in my studies, that's why hehe, I hope you guys understand(≡^∇^≡). I will just update it when I have more time to do many things. (≧∇≦)/


this message may be offensive
holy shit MASTER MEOW is probably the fluffiest & most wholesome story I've ever read! So much dopamine entered my system by reading it. I'm so glad I found your account  keep 'em coming queen


@BridgetBogoy Hi!, Thank you for your support! (⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠)


Hello! If you want to read some novels you can go search in my Reading List and you can also go to my following list (≡^∇^≡). I also Apologize for not updating in a while its because I'm having troubles in my studies, that's why hehe, I hope you guys understand(≡^∇^≡). I will just update it when I have more time to do many things. (≧∇≦)/


I recommend this Beautiful and Relatable Poem to you Guys(≡^∇^≡), I hope you can also Relate to it like me. When I read the Poem I think about my Idol(๑˃̵ ᴗ ˂̵)و.


God Bless you too Eli! (≡^∇^≡)❤


Good bless your Patty I really do appreciate 


Hello!, I will delete the Novel "Daddy's Cub is Three and a Half Years Old" because I have technical issues and personal problems, I hope you understand (≡^∇^≡). And you can read the novel on @Ashiamazing or in the MTL Website, You can search it on google for example: "Daddy's Cub is Three and a Half Years Old Wattpad/MTL" and the novel from @Ashiamazing is also in my Reading List "4". That's all, Thank you for supporting me(≡^∇^≡)


You can also search her account in Google using "Ashiamazing Wattpad" (≡^∇^≡)