
Just published my new story “Poisonous Beauty”! Go check it out, it’s full of adventure and it’s packed with excitement! Let me know what you think and how I can improve. Thanks and happy reading!! 


Thanks for the follow! I grew up in Arlington, Texas, not far from you. I've been to Houston a couple of times. I remember good food and the worst humidity I'd ever experienced in my life, lol!
          Let me know what you think of "The Otherworlders" when you get the chance to check it out. And I'll be sure to check out your work as well. :-)


@paulapdx Yeah IKR Texas can be the worst at times! Lol. But yeah, I'll definitely check it out.


Hey, thanks for following me. XD Though I am sorry that I am not writing the book you desire, I am writing another so If you want to,feel free to check it out! ♦