
Hey guys! So a long time ago I wanted to write fan submissions for x reader fanfiction. I wasnt getting much requests here, but i still would like to do that. So I made a Tumblr page! Just search for lazywriter519 on Tumblr and follow my blog FFXV x Reader. And don't forget to suggest scenerios for any final fantasy xv reader fanfiction with the chocobros and perhaps other ffxv characters!


@Unchartedfan Ok I will go ahead and post it here when its done and hope I get more requests


@LazyWriter128 no. I have never been on Tumblr.


@Unchartedfan for now im only doing ffxv I can do a gladio x wife! Have you followwd the Tumblr page?


Hey guys! So a long time ago I wanted to write fan submissions for x reader fanfiction. I wasnt getting much requests here, but i still would like to do that. So I made a Tumblr page! Just search for lazywriter519 on Tumblr and follow my blog FFXV x Reader. And don't forget to suggest scenerios for any final fantasy xv reader fanfiction with the chocobros and perhaps other ffxv characters!


@Unchartedfan Ok I will go ahead and post it here when its done and hope I get more requests


@LazyWriter128 no. I have never been on Tumblr.


@Unchartedfan for now im only doing ffxv I can do a gladio x wife! Have you followwd the Tumblr page?


Soooooo... I did a thing XD
          So ik ive been gone for a while and I'm sorry. My writers block as just been so bad... But I somehow wrote this... Thing today. So it's 2 am and im playing minecraft with my friend and he jokingly told me I should write a Herbrine x Steve fanfic... So i did it XD
           And i thought I should share it with you guys. So go ahead and check it out on my page and hopefully I'll be back now but I won't promise anything.


Thank you guys so much! I'm so sorry for not being active since you know the whole writers block thing and my struggle to find myself. Right now I want to create something original, something to start my career as a writer, but it may take a while. I want to make sure it is as best as it could be before you guys see it because you all deserve something amazing.


I have a question... I'm having a crisis with my life right now and I'm debating if I should become a full time writer. Only problem is I can't sell fanfiction, it would all have to be original. But my question is, would any of you support me and buy my books if I choose to go down that path?


@LazyWriter128 if you love it - you'll do just fine :) fanfiction can be used as a great way to further promote your books too! you can plug it in between w/ author notes. If people love your writing style & your plot lines - they are for sure going to be interested in your original works :D


I would if I had money 


If you want to be a full time writer, I will support you all the way. And yes I would buy your books. This world needs more creative and talented people like you


@LazyWriter128 Hello, darling! Just wanted to pop by and tell you in your Ignis x reader, chapter 32 and 33 are the same. Or maybe that’s an error on my end. Also, love your work! Keep up the amazing writing! :)


@LazyWriter128 Yep! I’m glad I could help :)


@CelestialShadowWolf daaaaaaaaaaaang iiiiiiiiit. Btw did you reread 33 after i changed it? And I'm away and barely getting Wi-Fi so I shall change it when i returned home. Thank you!


@LazyWriter128 Chapters 35 and 36 are also repeats. And you’re welcome! 


If I had to choose out of the three FFXV fanfiction stories (completed or continue on writing) as my favorite. I would have a very, and I mean VERY, hard time choosing, because they are so great and amazing from am awesome author. I couldn't  choose one and I would say  'ALL OF THEM!'


@Lill360 aww thank you! I'm glad you like them so much! ^^


Hey guys. I'm bored and feel like writing some FFXV fanfiction, but ive had no ideas lately even for my Noct and Prompto fics. So, what do you guys wanna see? I'll do Reader inserts, harems, boy on boy and whatever else you want. Just let me know and ill do a oneshot or something!


@LazyWriter128 that's a great plan 


@NvyWfe that's true. Maybe one day after i get my reads back up again


@LazyWriter128 I prefer the reader insert myself since it covers a wider audience. The other seems to limit the viewers. Many aren't comfortable with the other just yet.


Ok guys, I wantes to enter one of my fics into the Watty Awards but I was afraid id get in trouble since technically fanfiction is copyright. But i still wanna enter, sooooooo I am writing an original story with my best friend. It will be an LGBT story about a blind detective and a witty space pirate. Please give it lots of love when it comes out!


@LazyWriter128 I totally get ya :) looking forward to this new story you're gonna post though


@projectshiawase Yea, I thought about, but I still got to nervous. I dont wanna risk getting trouble and having to take down the stories you guys love. And thank you for the support!


@LazyWriter128 you can enter your work in the category 'fanfiction' for Watty Awards :D I entered a few of mine ^_^ good luck with the work you're doing w/ your friend as well! :D xx


;3; Omg I wasn't expecting so many follows overnight! Thank you guys so much! Also I am sorry if I followed multiple times or haven't followed yet. Wattpad is being kinda weird.


@LazyWriter128 all good! Thanks for following me as well :D hope Wattpad doesn't give you too much grief this time 