Hello, everyone. Because in these past few months, I've not been able to write as much as I would like, either from my brain not cooperating or life not giving me the time to write, and occasionally both at the same time, I've been thinking in these past few days of testing a new idea I had for my releases, that's why I didn't publish last week. Which is, instead of releasing multiple chapters of different stories, that I'm able to write in a given week, every Saturday. I'll be announcing at the start of every month (if time allows me to) a release schedule of every Saturday, meaning 4 to 5 releases a month. I hope that this way, I'll be able to write in a much more flexible manner while maintaining a weekly release, and hopefully avoid my very common problem of having to stop writing a story to focus on another one because of circumstances and tight schedules. Of course, with this new schedule meant to give me more time to write, I'll be rewriting many of my stories again, in an improved quality that I could never achieve by having a time limit of one week, as compensation for the fact that releases will be slower for many stories now, and also because I got more strict with the minimum quality I want my stories to have. As such, some stories that I had to put on hiatus because I ended up having trouble keeping up with the releases, will be coming back, and please for the sake of everything that is holy, I will do my utmost to make sure that I can keep writing them to the end. But also, I may drop a few occasional one-shots, in case life obligations come my way, and if things are really bad on my end, I will be having empty months solely dedicated to writing. And finally, for the schedule of this month, March, there will be no releases, as I will be using my vacations to try and pump out as many drafts as I can, to have enough drafts for a consistent release schedule starting in April

@Lazy_Author-san Take your time to reset yourself and have a proper rest author-san.