Kath's reminder: November 30!
About her:
A highschool girl, introvert loves to eat, draw and sleep and writing song (which she started last month, still learning). Living with families. She likes Taylor Swift, Queen, Abba etc, she speaks two language which is English and Tagalog.
She starts writing at a young age currently making a new series, her old stories was now deleted/unpublished.
- I'm the problem
- IscrittoApril 10, 2022
Iscriviti ed entra a fare parte della più grande comunità di narrativa al mondo
Storie di 𝐊𝐚𝐭𝐡
- 2 storie pubblicate

Hey, J
I walk through the city,
Dreamed about this beautiful man,
Laughin', making jokes,
I didn't know that I ha...