The boys; Cody, Aiden, and Ashton, sent me over to thank you for reading their story: A Kiss Is Just a Kiss. They hope you've enjoyed it so far.
NO, I'm not going to tell them that.
What do you mean, why not? Just because you said something funny doesn't mean you get the credit.
I know it was funny. But... Aiden, will you sit down for a moment. I need to tell you something.
I'm getting to it, just hold your horses.
Did you just growl?
*shakes my head*
Look, this may be difficult to understand, but every time you say something funny, or sexy or cute.... it's my fault.
What do you mean how? Just trust me on this. Consider me your Cyrano de Bergerac.
What do you mean, who's Cyrano de Bergerac?
I make you funny. I make people love you and there are actually some people who... No. I'm not gonna say that... Just take my word for it. We're just gonna thank @LeAvEmEaLoNe2020 for reading and leave it at that. so say thank you Aiden.
like you mean!
now go find the other two and leave me alone.
Anyway, thanks for reading. We're all very grateful. :)
~nick (and the boys)