
Ok, so…
          	I have a Naruto Bridgerton Idea…
          	With our favourite Trio…
          	I.e - Weasel Uchiha, Sassy (GAY) Bloody Mary drinking Uchiha, Hitori Trio?
          	If I were to write it would we want Regency Style clothing like the show or traditional Japanese formal wear? ✨
          	And would we want spice or fade to black?
          	As admittedly I’ve never written smut! 


ooh def regency w spice☺️


Ok, so…
          I have a Naruto Bridgerton Idea…
          With our favourite Trio…
          I.e - Weasel Uchiha, Sassy (GAY) Bloody Mary drinking Uchiha, Hitori Trio?
          If I were to write it would we want Regency Style clothing like the show or traditional Japanese formal wear? ✨
          And would we want spice or fade to black?
          As admittedly I’ve never written smut! 


ooh def regency w spice☺️


Hello there! 
          It is I! Alive and well (of sorts).
          Just a quick update…
          A lot has happened since I stopped posting in here as much, that includes:
          Me moving out and buying a house like a proper adult (weird I know.)
          I got engaged!! 
          And last but not least…
          Ya girl is pregnant! 
          I’m all over the place at the moment but, I’m since so many of you lovely people have supported me and my writing so much I’m going to do my best to finish ‘Serve and Protect’.
          I make no promises but will do what I can when I can to bring the fluffiness to a well-rounded end.
          In the meantime, if people want to throw out some baby names, I’m all ears!!
          Take care and I’ll catch you all on the fly! ✨


@LeDahliaNoir so happy for you Lovely, you deserve all the best!


@LeDahliaNoir ong congrats!!! I'm so happy for you!! 


Me again!
          Just out of curiosity, if I were to do a AU Naruto fic based on Bridgerton - who would you want the main Bae to be?
          And what type of OC would we want? 
          As as much as I love Reina, it would be interesting to create someone new. ✨


@LeDahliaNoir Me neither to be honest. Just a random thought that came to me haha..
            But of course no one can beat our favourite weasel❤️
            As for Reina, she could just as well be set in stone. She's just that powerful, but I think she would give the new OC some screentime should you choose to create one.


@PirateDNinja Ooo I’d have to look into him! Don’t think I’ve read too much into him admittedly 


@Ceo_kinderjoy Really? 
            You have no idea how happy that makes me to hear you say that about Reina 


Hello my Lovelies!
          Would anyone consider being a BETA Reader for an original story I’m working on?
          I’m 8 chapters in and looking for feedback so far.
          It’s my dream to be a published writer and you have no idea how much the feedback on my work means to me. ❤️✨
          Let a girl know and I can send you a link via email. I might even show you the character boards on Pinterest I have going! 
          In the meantime, take care during the holiday season! ✨


I’d sign up to be a beta reader


@brevitempore Fabulous! Bob your email in a DM and I’ll email it across ❤️


I love your work! If you decide you want another set of eyes I’m down to read your new story


All’s I’m saying is imagine this…
          But Uchiha’s. ❤️
          Peace out. ✌✨


Give me all the aristocrat vibes ❤️❤️❤️


this message may be offensive
holy shit YES


Hi dear, sorry to bother you, just wanna ask something, will you continue the story Serve and Protect?? Cuz really, I've been waiting for your Uchiha Itachi's fanfiction, cuz I've been falling in love with ur Wanted story. Pieces of arts they are. Please, have a nice day
          (p.s : I'm sorry if my grammars not that good, english's not my native language.)


And never apologise for your grammar! 


Hello Lovely ✨
            Ahhh thank you for such kind words! Really made me smile!
            To be honest, I’m not too sure about ‘Serve and Protect’ I kind of fell out writing that story as I wanted to pursue my own story.
            I might come back to it some day but right now I want to focus on my original novel.
            Sorry again! ✨


Hello Lovelies! ✨
          I hope you’re all well and living your best lives!
          If you’re not and you want to talk, my inbox is open! 
          I started writing something the other day just because…and it makes NO SENSE! But I’m going to write it anyway since you lot seem to like my sense of humour! 
          Imagine this, to set the scene:
          • AU (i.e no Uchiha Massacre)
          • Little dingy bar setting
          • All sorts of characters (especially Uchiha)
          • Possibly Sassy Sas-gay
          • Guest appearance from yours truly in the       form of the hostess with the mostess
          Basically shits and giggles. ✌✨
          Love Dahlia 


@LeDahliaNoir Honestly those are the one of the best types of fics and just what the doctor ordered (the doctor being me to myself ).. A dose of comedic relief would do everyone some good these days.. Hope you're doing well Lovely! ☕


Just want to say thank you all so much for all the love and attention you’ve given my stories! 
          Especially ‘Wanted’! 
          Mental Health is something very near and dear to me and as someone who suffers with Anxiety and is medicated for this I just want you to know you are never alone.
          If you ever want someone to talk to my inbox and email are always open. ✨
          Sending all my love. 
          On a side note, if you have a moment, if you could have a nose at the sneak chapter of my original story, a girl would greatly appreciate it as admittedly, I’d love to publish a novel one day! 


This actually brought me to tears! 
            I really can’t begin to evoke how grateful I am that you read my stories and take the time to leave such wonderful comments! Thank you from the bottom of my heart ✨


Hey Dahlia I checked out your sneak peak chapter of your original story and it’s Awesome and I think that your idea of publishing a novel one day is Wonderful especially with all these amazing ideas of yours and your really good a writing such interesting stories and I bet your Novel will be one of the best . On another note I really enjoyed your two stories WANTED and Serve and Protect they are my most favorite books I’ve read on Wattpad so far especially Wanted I love the entire plot and feel the whole vibe the story has is just Legendary your generally such an epic writer !