
Hi! Thanks for taking the time to read and vote for my story! It really means a lot and I appreciated the comments. I've read some of your work and it's amazing! The way you write is so beautiful and very thought-provoking. Keep up the awesome work!


@sunshinesoda np thank you for the follow your awesome you have a good story too 


Btw I think what you need right now is a beta writer or an editor, someone who can read your works with an outsiders perspective. And probably help you make your work easier to understand and follow while keeping that air of mystery that is so very important in writing.


@Joshben4c I'll think on it right now I'm trying to write a new story while also editing a long story that I wrote months ago while also dealing with life thank you for all the encouragement it's very comforting to wake up in the morning and see someone one complimenting me on my writing which usually never happens since a rarely share besides on Wattpad I don't have many to surround myself with and bounce off ideas but sure I'll ask you if I need help or anything thank you have a good day


@Joshben4c I'm not an expert or anything, and I have a lot of adulting to do haha, But I wouldn't mind helping you with one chapter to see what happens if you'd like me to try. As a writer, I have a group of friends who love writing. We help and inspire each other a lot. I am really blessed to have that; they are some of my closest friends. I don't know if you have a group of friends like that, who can encourage you and help you with your writing or just to listen and let you bounce ideas off them. But I highly suggest finding such people to surround yourself with, either on Wattpad or in regular life. Weather you'd like my help with anything or not is your choice I don't mind either way. And I may or may not be available all the time as I have a busy life. But, please, please, please do what you need to do to become what you can be! You have so much potential, I'm rooting for ya! Go for it! 


Hello, I just read the first chapter of your short stories and i think it's amazing. You have so much potential. I honestly think with some hard work, reasearch, and friends who share your passion to help you along the way, you could very well be a officially published author! Keep it up, and don't let the fact that you aren't perfect stop you. It's ok to mistakes, just seek learn from them. 


@LeLettre7   Heehee, those are the best kind aren't they? The ones that make you excited, the ones you write for yourself before anyone else...


@Joshben4c thanks for all you've said I'll definitely use grammarly just trying to make stories that I really enjoy I could always use practice so I'll work on it thanks


You have to sanity check Grammarly's editing is what I meant.