
@MrsMichaelis7  ????????


Don't worry about the question I asked you I know what the answer is and I hope you can update the new chapters in lone wolfs cry as fast as possible cause its like I'm addicted to the book and really wanna read more of it your an awesome writer and I don't know why you got only like three fans cause I'm in love with the story id think there would be like a hundred people reading your books I think you should write like a million chapters and i love how long the pages are but I was sad when I reached the hey guys chapter and found out that is the last page until you update the new ones so keep up the good work and keep making those chapters i just love reading the lone wolfs cry bye.


Hey! Whoever reads this I really need to ask a favor! Go to my profile and read the line wolf!s cry and vote and add/comment please!  I'm having a hard time promoting it so of you do this I WILL LOVE YOU!!