
"She is finally free. Free from your trap and tightly clenched fist." 


My soul is sick of being with its body. Why is it so possible to have these kind of intuitions? When every being of yourself is shutting down what your soul has figured out. I'm killing it. My soul is sick of seeing myself drown because of  its ignorance and vulnerability. When will I have the bones to stand up for what I think is right? And to stay with it until the end? I can't let myself rot. Please listen to your soul El, please do. 


Because this is freedom!!! I could rant all I want. Hey! That rhymed. Haha okaaaaay. Let's just say I sound too happy but naaah I am TOYALLY NOT. I'm at the crossroads baby. It's quite tricky to choose between what you know you deserve and what you have to do. Should I open my life again to that kind of pain called HIM.