
Guys, wish me luck, my first day of highschool is tomorrow 


Hey LeQueen. Lol I just read ur bio, and that last part about ppl not seeing ur wattpad except for ppl u told. SO RELATABLE. a part of u that ur just kinda unsure if ppl will accept right? i also think that i would be judged for having a  wattpad.... idk why.... 
          anyways i wanted to ask, do ur parents know about ur wattpad? cause mines don't and ig that might add to it...


@PhoenixAtTheHorizon no they don't lmao they know I write though and yeah I totally agree


YALL I JUST SAW SPIDER-MAN: NO WAY HOME TODAYYYYYYYYYYYYY ITS SO COOLLLLLLLLL AND I AM SO READY TO OVER ANALYSE IT BECAUSE I just did that when my friend asked me a question and i answered it in freaking say-show-so format...thats how intricitly (Thats not how you spell that) i analyzed it. (say-show-so is a format for writing paragraphs or essays)


So... I think I wanna delete the book I'm writing and start off with the second book, and make the first one a prequel after I finish the second one because I have a lot more plans for that one than the first on, Ya know? The only thing is I'm a little scared somethings might not make sense, because id be writing them out of order, also I haven't read all of the up books so they'd be based of pretty much only on the movies, besides certain things that I'm were or weren't in the movie. But uh, let me know what you guys think. Thanks 


@PhoenixAtTheHorizon lmao yeah I took it down cuz I like totally revised it, it would be up soon 