Hello guys,
          	I just posted a new and last part of The lost Queen. I hope you all enjoyed this story and I am happy to announce that the new season is coming, but I still don't know when. 
          	Hope you have a nice day/night...
          	The new part is here: https://www.wattpad.com/1013291730-the-lost-queen-the-coronation


Hello guys,
          Due to the lack of creativity and inspiration, I will reduce the publishing of parts once a week. I am sorry about this, but I hope that I will get more inspiration when I start watching some new tv series (lol).
          Hope you have a nice day 


          I'm sorry I didn't publish new parts of the story but I was on a short vacation. Maybe I'll go on another vacation again and not publish new parts again. I will choose a week in which you will receive new parts every day.
          Sorry again and have a good day and a lovely weekend