@beautiphil_howell Your mindset is that you know everything, and you don’t. You said that nobody needs pain, but if God really does exist, then he knows everything. We’re just human, we don’t have the intelligence to even begin to understand the things he can. God did not say that we’re wouldn’t be pain, and he didn’t even say there might be pain. In fact, he told us there WILL be pain. Why? We don’t know. But this world is only temporary and it’s sinful and horrible. God does not create pain, but he works with it. He has a plan for us all. Where you are is not where you’ll always be, believe in healing and grace. I’m so sorry you’re in a bad spot right now. But with God and Jesus, you always have someone who’s there for you and loving and who did even more than die for you; he suffered and bled and cried and was tortured in so many ways- all so that you would get the chance to walk into the gates of Heaven when you die to be with him. I’m sorry about what you’re going through, I will pray for you ❤️❤️