
Yelled at me, and constantly called me a liar cause I didn’t know what I was doing. But my uncle crossed the line… he punished me for being hungry, Compared me to the devil, and later on he stole my social security money! What a duche hm? But thank God my other grandma (from my dads side) offered to come take care of me. I agreed to this and I stayed with her. I went to school there and something surprising happened! You know how I said I always lived with mom and never talked to my dad? Well… I’ve finally met him, he is… better than my mom! He’s understanding and he knows a lot! But uh April of 2023 my grandma died. So that was hard- after that I had to go live with her sister Patsy for a while, she’s a really nice lady… then just a month (from the time I’m writing this-) I went to a mental hospital. You see I wasn’t doing all well in the head and I was- actually wanting to attempt Suicide and I went there.. for what was supposed to be 5-7 days… turned out to be 85 days. But I’m doing.. okay? Now I’m living with my dad. That’s all I have to say for now! 
          -love Grey


Dear Shelly
          Day 1 till I get a response:
          Hey Shelly! It’s Grey! I know it’s been- God- two years already?- God damn- anyways I just wanted to update you, Dika, and Syxx about my life! And mental health… since you know it was down the drain when I was talking to you.. heh…
          So it all starts with when I was sick, turns out it was Covid! Yeah surprising huh? But the day after my moms funeral we went to none other than California, we spent a month there and it was great! But my grandma (which I call nana) is a bit- bipolar. A bit would be an understatement-
          Anyways after we came home I was living with my nana, the same apartment my mom died in. Anyhow I went to go live with Max (the homophobic uncle I told you about remember?) and his wife, little did I know they were probably worse than my mom. At first it was great! I was in baseball, I was going to church, and I went to summer camp! (A Christian one) but things started to change, cause when it came to their little boy (who was four at the time) they took him over me. Which I can see is understandable but you gotta know this… HES A SPOILED LITTLE BRAT. Yup! When they did “spank him” it was a tap! When they spanked me it hurt! Anyways they put me in this Christian school (mind you it was a private one-) and that’s when things went down hill. They made me stay up till 12 doing stuff I didn’t know,