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Yelled at me, and constantly called me a liar cause I didn’t know what I was doing. But my uncle crossed the line… he punished me for being hungry, Compared me to the devil, and later on he stole my social security money! What a duche hm? But thank God my other grandma (from my dads side) offered to come take care of me. I agreed to this and I stayed with her. I went to school there and something surprising happened! You know how I said I always lived with mom and never talked to my dad? Well… I’ve finally met him, he is… better than my mom! He’s understanding and he knows a lot! But uh April of 2023 my grandma died. So that was hard- after that I had to go live with her sister Patsy for a while, she’s a really nice lady… then just a month (from the time I’m writing this-) I went to a mental hospital. You see I wasn’t doing all well in the head and I was- actually wanting to attempt Suicide and I went there.. for what was supposed to be 5-7 days… turned out to be 85 days. But I’m doing.. okay? Now I’m living with my dad. That’s all I have to say for now! -love Grey