
Just finished a rough draft of my outline for my book I’ll be working on here. Can’t wait! 


Hey there! How are you?  Did you try logging in with your Google account?


Honestly, I have had a few different google accounts thru the years and I can’t remember which one it was exactly. I figured it might be a good idea to make a new one since the last time I used this app I was 15. My writing has changed drastically and I need the new refresh ness, and an active crowd. 
            Thanks for the tip, Much appreciated! 
               Stay safe. ♥️


Hey, thanks! 
              Yeah, I wish I didn’t forget the log in. I had some good views and some good interaction flow on some of my books//accounts. 
            I however, hope now that my writing is more mature. I will grow that again. 
            Thank You! ♥️