
I'm bored and lonely... Anyone wanna talk?


@PatosPRManager Max is just too good and even with a trashy car he still manages to get in 2nd-5th. Like Lando has the best car right now but put him in the same car as Max then we'll see who's better. And even the rain races, like Ayrton said, the rain puts the cars on the same level but not the drivers. But anyway, it's so crazy we've sent so many messages on here! And I keep thinking since it's public one day someones just gonna sit here and read all of these cause of our crazy ideas and drama TT


@LeahF3518v1D Hey girl! It's all good, no worries! I know how busy you must be, I've been pretty busy too haha. And no way! I can't wait for pre-season testing! Literally I've been having to find other things to hyper-fixate on to keep me busy until F1  comes back TT I even started trying to watch hockey and Motocross LOL  Apparently Canadian hockey fans were booing the US national anthem and then the US Hockey players in return threw hands with the Canadian ones. It was honestly so interesting to watch. But anywho! NO WAYYYY YOU GOT A PAUL AARON HAT????!?!?! OMGGG LUCKYYY. W cousin frrr. And yes! I can't believe he got me them! And I just bought an f1 shirt I saw at the store hehe. And I had no clue you were a Carlos fan! I seriously thought you were a huge Charles fan XD guess I was wrong! My fabs recently have been changing A LOT. It was George and Max but after all the drama between them I'm not so sure. I've already decided Oscar is one of my favs but I can't choose my second! I swore I would never be a Charles girl but if things don't change I may just become one...Oh and the guy that gave me the candle, I meeeean I heard from one of his girl bsfs that he had been talking about me and defending me saying I was the best female volleyball player in the school sooo ya never know! And that joke about Williams got me dead XDD But I'm so sorry you had to go to the hospital! That must have sucked. What did the doctors say you had if you don't mind me asking? And I hope you are doing better now <3  And yeah, Mazespinning left cause some drama and if you ever see pics with Oscar and text over it just know it's abt that, these two creators have been going back and forth spilling all the chisme online. I'm so tired of it tbh I've stopped posting regularly. AND BRO I HADNT EVEN THOUGHT ABT WHO FERRARI IS GOING TO PRIORATIZE LIKE EITHER WAY IMMA BE SAD IF LEWIS OR CHARLES GETS PUT AS #2 And as for Lando, eh. I don't believe he would have.


@PatosPRManager Oh and, I was thinking, going back to our convo long ago about teams prioritizing drivers and all that, I remember how I was like "who's Williams gonna be prioritizing?" but the real question is: WHO THE HELL IS FERRARI GOING TO PRIORITIZE!?!??! Like i know Charles is like Ferrari's prodigy, but Lewis is a seven-time World Champion so idek. Also, do you think Lando would've won the WC title if McLaren hadn't given his positions to Oscar those few times?? Lmk cause all that has been on my mind for a while. ...omg so i was just looking back at our earlier messages and how we used to be like “lol i just sent u a whole essay” but now are messages are like double that and we're at like 95 messages in total now like what TT


Hey love! Just wanted to say I should have the Paul Arron story you requested up soon! I’m so sorry it took so long to write! (In case you are wondering this is @WilliamsGirly just on my backup account where I’ll be posting my work ;)


@LeahF3518v1D no problem! I enjoy making these for everyone and I hope you like it! <3 you just reminded me I should probably get on my homework too! LOL


@RedBullGirly I just saw it! I'll read it as soon as I finish up my homework... I'm using it as motivation lol. But aaaahhhh I can't thank you enough!!!! <3


Hey! I finally found out how to work campfire and I’m on school break this week so I’ll def be able to work on the book! Here’s the link to the book https://www.campfirewriting.com/write/public/story/66d2cce8594eb88a518acdb4/project


@PatosPRManager Here, I think if you go to the story and click on "File" you can get to another list that has "Share Project" as one of the options. My user is @ilovewatchingcars. If it doesnt work it's completely fine dw


@LeahF3518v1D omg noooo idk what happened, I have some info there but it’s just like one character but idk. Well idk what to do now ig 


@PatosPRManager i cant read it TT it just takes me to a place on campfire and it seems like the story info is supposed to be there but idk why i cant see anything


Hey! Just wanted to say I ended up working on the Oscar Piastri one first and I may get a chapter out this month if all goes according to plan. I want to thank you again for suggesting it! Hope you have an amazing night! <3


@LeahF3518v1D I'll try and work on getting it done where we can collab! I don't have school on Mondays but I still have homework so I'll just get that done quick, study for my tests and try and figure that out. but yeah school really is super stressful! My teacher wants me to do at least six pages in each subject and we have three subjects. It used to be more but they replaced Word Building with study hall for the older students and this year for social studies we will be holding mock elections considering this is an election year and learning how to run a business. We have to study though, if we don't it's silent lunch. And we have to have our homework slip signed by a parent because if we don't it's silent lunch too. if we're late or coming in just as the bell is ringing that means no beak.


@PatosPRManager That school part is too real TT But I did some exploring and if you go to your home page and scroll down theres these big squares that are links to articles (horrible explaining, ik TT) and the one for the collabs is called "Writing and Collaborating in Campfire". all the info is there. but don't worry about doing it right away if you're too busy cause priorities are priorities, and in all honesty im pretty stressed about school already too TT


@LeahF3518v1D I'll have to find out, I thought I saw something about collabs but idk Haven't used it in a bit cause of school and stuff TT I'll try to figure it out!


I'm bored and lonely... Anyone wanna talk?


@PatosPRManager Max is just too good and even with a trashy car he still manages to get in 2nd-5th. Like Lando has the best car right now but put him in the same car as Max then we'll see who's better. And even the rain races, like Ayrton said, the rain puts the cars on the same level but not the drivers. But anyway, it's so crazy we've sent so many messages on here! And I keep thinking since it's public one day someones just gonna sit here and read all of these cause of our crazy ideas and drama TT


@LeahF3518v1D Hey girl! It's all good, no worries! I know how busy you must be, I've been pretty busy too haha. And no way! I can't wait for pre-season testing! Literally I've been having to find other things to hyper-fixate on to keep me busy until F1  comes back TT I even started trying to watch hockey and Motocross LOL  Apparently Canadian hockey fans were booing the US national anthem and then the US Hockey players in return threw hands with the Canadian ones. It was honestly so interesting to watch. But anywho! NO WAYYYY YOU GOT A PAUL AARON HAT????!?!?! OMGGG LUCKYYY. W cousin frrr. And yes! I can't believe he got me them! And I just bought an f1 shirt I saw at the store hehe. And I had no clue you were a Carlos fan! I seriously thought you were a huge Charles fan XD guess I was wrong! My fabs recently have been changing A LOT. It was George and Max but after all the drama between them I'm not so sure. I've already decided Oscar is one of my favs but I can't choose my second! I swore I would never be a Charles girl but if things don't change I may just become one...Oh and the guy that gave me the candle, I meeeean I heard from one of his girl bsfs that he had been talking about me and defending me saying I was the best female volleyball player in the school sooo ya never know! And that joke about Williams got me dead XDD But I'm so sorry you had to go to the hospital! That must have sucked. What did the doctors say you had if you don't mind me asking? And I hope you are doing better now <3  And yeah, Mazespinning left cause some drama and if you ever see pics with Oscar and text over it just know it's abt that, these two creators have been going back and forth spilling all the chisme online. I'm so tired of it tbh I've stopped posting regularly. AND BRO I HADNT EVEN THOUGHT ABT WHO FERRARI IS GOING TO PRIORATIZE LIKE EITHER WAY IMMA BE SAD IF LEWIS OR CHARLES GETS PUT AS #2 And as for Lando, eh. I don't believe he would have.


@PatosPRManager Oh and, I was thinking, going back to our convo long ago about teams prioritizing drivers and all that, I remember how I was like "who's Williams gonna be prioritizing?" but the real question is: WHO THE HELL IS FERRARI GOING TO PRIORITIZE!?!??! Like i know Charles is like Ferrari's prodigy, but Lewis is a seven-time World Champion so idek. Also, do you think Lando would've won the WC title if McLaren hadn't given his positions to Oscar those few times?? Lmk cause all that has been on my mind for a while. ...omg so i was just looking back at our earlier messages and how we used to be like “lol i just sent u a whole essay” but now are messages are like double that and we're at like 95 messages in total now like what TT