@LeahF3518v1D Hey girl! It's all good, no worries! I know how busy you must be, I've been pretty busy too haha. And no way! I can't wait for pre-season testing! Literally I've been having to find other things to hyper-fixate on to keep me busy until F1 comes back TT I even started trying to watch hockey and Motocross LOL Apparently Canadian hockey fans were booing the US national anthem and then the US Hockey players in return threw hands with the Canadian ones. It was honestly so interesting to watch. But anywho! NO WAYYYY YOU GOT A PAUL AARON HAT????!?!?! OMGGG LUCKYYY. W cousin frrr. And yes! I can't believe he got me them! And I just bought an f1 shirt I saw at the store hehe. And I had no clue you were a Carlos fan! I seriously thought you were a huge Charles fan XD guess I was wrong! My fabs recently have been changing A LOT. It was George and Max but after all the drama between them I'm not so sure. I've already decided Oscar is one of my favs but I can't choose my second! I swore I would never be a Charles girl but if things don't change I may just become one...Oh and the guy that gave me the candle, I meeeean I heard from one of his girl bsfs that he had been talking about me and defending me saying I was the best female volleyball player in the school sooo ya never know! And that joke about Williams got me dead XDD But I'm so sorry you had to go to the hospital! That must have sucked. What did the doctors say you had if you don't mind me asking? And I hope you are doing better now <3 And yeah, Mazespinning left cause some drama and if you ever see pics with Oscar and text over it just know it's abt that, these two creators have been going back and forth spilling all the chisme online. I'm so tired of it tbh I've stopped posting regularly. AND BRO I HADNT EVEN THOUGHT ABT WHO FERRARI IS GOING TO PRIORATIZE LIKE EITHER WAY IMMA BE SAD IF LEWIS OR CHARLES GETS PUT AS #2 And as for Lando, eh. I don't believe he would have.