
Follow me on Twitter! twitter.com/RaddLeah !


          Once again I hope everyone is doing well! Chapter two of The Matriarch has just been published! Please read, vote, and comment and feel free to let me know if any of you are writing books that you'd like me to check out!
          Thanks again, and take care of yourselves!
          LeahIsRadd xx


          I hope y’all are doing well and taking care of yourselves!
          So the first chapter of my book, The Matriarch, is up! Please go check it out and let me know how you like it! Thank you in advance :)
          LeahIsRadd xx


Hey y’all long time no see! So I’m introducing a new lycanthrope book that will be the first of a series, featuring Black characters! I rarely see Black characters in werewolf books so I wanted to mix it up and shake the table a bit  The first chapter will be up soon, can’t wait for y’all to read it!
          LeahIsRadd xx