
Greetings peoples! Chapter 7 is now officially updated. Enjoy. Also, could people please help me come up with a different title for my book? Something catchy but original. Preferably no longer than four words long. Thanking you muchly! 
          	One more thing, I'm starting a youtube channel in the new year, so be on the look out for "Life with Leeli". Please subscribe if you like my videos and tell your friends and fam!
          	Merry Kristmas! 
          	(Lol, see what I did there?)
          	This is Leeli, makin' like a tree. Bye!


Greetings peoples! Chapter 7 is now officially updated. Enjoy. Also, could people please help me come up with a different title for my book? Something catchy but original. Preferably no longer than four words long. Thanking you muchly! 
          One more thing, I'm starting a youtube channel in the new year, so be on the look out for "Life with Leeli". Please subscribe if you like my videos and tell your friends and fam!
          Merry Kristmas! 
          (Lol, see what I did there?)
          This is Leeli, makin' like a tree. Bye!


Greetings fantabulous followers! (I love wordplay XD) Unfortunately I am in another writing banned priority break, so no updates yet. But I can promise there will be many words comin' at you come January. In the meantime, Happy Thanksgiving, Happy Lent, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Love you all!


Btw I will most likely hav HUGE breaks in which I focus on yucky important priority stuff like school and work and future plans. So I won't be able to write in those bits. I hope it doesn't bother u as much as it does me. Sorry. :'(


Hey 'yall! LKG is BACK! To all of you living in the States I have two messages: 1) Happy Thanksgiving! It feels weird wishing people a happy holiday you've never celebrated "coz yar an Ozzy mate!" Lol. 2) Your country is in my prayers after the election disaster. Apologies to any Trump supporters, but I honestly feel he is one of the worst things that could have happened to the U.S. I am praying for you all.


@LeahKG2000 Did u get my message? 


@LeahKG2000 Aww OK! Good luck with those! :D


Wow Thank you so much for your wonderful follow!! =))


@LeahKG2000 Haha good luck, I guess! XD But I hope you won't make me squeal too hard! :3


@LeahKG2000 Well, then. I suppose I should be ready for whatever feels are coming. And I hope I won't be squealing too much xD 


Hey booky dudes!!! Thaks SO MUCHLY to my followers and those who I think are awesome but must be SUPA CRAZY to read my book. Plz feel free to judge, comment and critique, as this is my first draft and I hope to one day publish it as a real live hard cover true real novel book famous cool thing. I'd like all the opinions I can get so I can make this the best most awesome sense making book possible. I believe in it and I hope you do too!!!