
Hello readers and Happy New Year! So I realize that I have had RBMM on hiatus for a little over three months and I sincerely apologize for that. I have not been able to write anything at all to be honest whether it be more to RBMM or a new story all together it just has not been coming to me at all. But for my Wattpad New Year resolution I want to actually get RBMM up and going again and I know that I have kept all of you guys waiting for much too long. It will however be a very tedious process and I will probably be uploading chapters again one by one. Nevertheless I am determined to finish the story with a fabulous ending that will make you all both sad that it's ending but happy about how it ended at the same time! 


I think I've read "Rejected by my mate" before and I enjoyed it very much. I get why you're editing it, but damn, now I can't re-read it. I hope that you get to it soon because I'm really looking forward to reading that story again. 


Yeah, I'm sorry about that. I just haven't gotten around to it, I always think about it. But then I have like homework or something that's supposed to come first, then updating totally slips my mind. I'll try to be better about it, possibly over winter break which starts next week. 


Hello readers and Happy New Year! So I realize that I have had RBMM on hiatus for a little over three months and I sincerely apologize for that. I have not been able to write anything at all to be honest whether it be more to RBMM or a new story all together it just has not been coming to me at all. But for my Wattpad New Year resolution I want to actually get RBMM up and going again and I know that I have kept all of you guys waiting for much too long. It will however be a very tedious process and I will probably be uploading chapters again one by one. Nevertheless I am determined to finish the story with a fabulous ending that will make you all both sad that it's ending but happy about how it ended at the same time! 